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Alejandro Romero
7 Tem 20242 dakikada okunur
Algebra plus Geometry equal Calculus: A Detailed Explanation to Understand Three-Feature Equations on 4D Movements Applications for AI
Now, how to understand or try to visualize something that is beyond our comprehension? A 4D surface, three features and one variable...
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Alejandro Romero
7 Tem 20241 dakikada okunur
Cosine Equation with Three Features for 4D Surfaces: Applications on Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, and AI - Google Colab
#algebra #geometry #calculus #ai
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Alejandro Romero
16 Åžub 20244 dakikada okunur
The Hyperspace is not Always Euclidean: f1 Scores in Positive/Negative Curvature Using Eigenvectors and Sklearn - Part VI
f1 score from eigenvectors assuming positive curvature outperforms euclidean metrics, which gives a hint of reality in a curved space or non
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Alejandro Romero
16 Åžub 20241 dakikada okunur
The Hyperspace is not Always Euclidean: UPDATED - Study of f1 Score with Sklearn Metrics - Part V (Colab)
Study of f1 Score with Sklearn Metrics in Curved Surfaces. Non Euclidean Geometry.
1 görüntüleme0 yorum
Alejandro Romero
9 Oca 20241 dakikada okunur
prior_to_MGMv4_1_BETA_30_11_2023.ipynb - New Features for Data Analysis of Stock Prices with Sklearn
Data analysis with Sklearn for stock prices, new features for the new approach.
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Alejandro Romero
30 Kas 20231 dakikada okunur
formulas_1_0_2023_vrs_BETA.ipynb - Google Colab - formula and class definition in Python
Formulas used in several other codes created by ML Perspective. Formulas and class definition in Python.
1 görüntüleme0 yorum
Alejandro Romero
28 AÄŸu 20231 dakikada okunur
Markov General Model (MGM) Decimals v4.0 BETA to Calculate Adv. Statistics for Multiple Securities
Markov chains to calculate price changes in multiple securities comparison tests and advanced statistics.
4 görüntüleme0 yorum
Alejandro Romero
31 Tem 20231 dakikada okunur
The Hyperspace is not Always Euclidean: Study of f1 Score with Sklearn Metrics - Part III (Colab)
The Hyperspace is not Always Euclidean: Study of f1 Score with Sklearn Metrics, Grid Search - Part III (Google Colab)
1 görüntüleme0 yorum
Alejandro Romero
1 May 20231 dakikada okunur
MGM Predicted vs Real Quotations (Google Colab): F1 Scores/Confusion Matrix Using Sklearn
Each frequency bin is treated as coordinate feature, then, the hyperplane has as many dimensions as classes are.
2 görüntüleme0 yorum
Alejandro Romero
9 Kas 20221 dakikada okunur
Pattern Search to Decimals New version Output_v2.1.ipynb - Google Colab
New version 2.1 on Google Colab released. More concise and processing-time saving.
2 görüntüleme0 yorum
Alejandro Romero
13 Tem 20221 dakikada okunur
Pattern Search to Decimals New version Output_v2.ipynb - Google Colab
The Python code can be accessed in this post. Details on the instantiation process, class objects, functions and other techniques used can b
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Alejandro Romero
3 Oca 20224 dakikada okunur
LP: Advanced Statistics for the 100 Most Traded ETFs in USA, Date: 12/21/2021
On this first paid-post it is being released the key statistics for the most traded ETFs in the USA. As the securities with the most...
5 görüntüleme0 yorum
Alejandro Romero
18 Ara 20214 dakikada okunur
Stock Market Quotes Estimator (Part II)
In part I of the stock market quotes estimator it was explained that even though stock prices are random, the variable â–²Price is not and...
18 görüntüleme0 yorum
Alejandro Romero
30 Kas 20213 dakikada okunur
Stock Market Quotes Estimator (Part I)
As its name says it, the stock market quotes estimator is a machine learning program developed to estimate, with a probability, within...
59 görüntüleme0 yorum
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