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Alejandro Romero
2 May 20233 dakikada okunur
The Hyperspace is not Always Euclidean: Study of f1 Score with Sklearn Metrics - Part I
...this sparse matrix that contains all classes with the most influence, is compared against the 'y_true' that needs also to be...
6 görüntüleme0 yorum
Alejandro Romero
1 May 20231 dakikada okunur
MGM Predicted vs Real Quotations (Google Colab): F1 Scores/Confusion Matrix Using Sklearn
Each frequency bin is treated as coordinate feature, then, the hyperplane has as many dimensions as classes are.
2 görüntüleme0 yorum
Alejandro Romero
11 Nis 20235 dakikada okunur
All¹ ETFs in Europe, 16/01/2023: Profitability Towards Nordic Countries Confirmed
Regarding variance, the same two pairs that did differ from each other in the prior period keep such characteristic: BTP10.MI:3BAL.MI and SU
4 görüntüleme0 yorum
Alejandro Romero
29 Mar 20236 dakikada okunur
Top10 ETFs in USA, 16/01/2023: Flat Market but Profitability shifts to Technology and Energy Sectors
Basically, the anova outputs an F stat of 2,33 with a critic value of 1,88 and rejects the Ho; however, as the HSD showed, this is a case of
3 görüntüleme0 yorum
Alejandro Romero
18 Mar 20233 dakikada okunur
The Accuracy of Splines Overtime - 3D Time-Series Approach Part III: Mastering The Math Matters
In the prior post it was proven that, as a stochastic variable, a stock quote is impossible to be predicted using regression. It is based on
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Alejandro Romero
1 Mar 20232 dakikada okunur
The Accuracy of Splines Overtime - 3D Time-Series Approach Part II: The Regression Problem
The two graphs above use a PolynomialFeatures() transformer while the two below use a SplineTransformer() instance, both followed by a Stand
4 görüntüleme0 yorum
Alejandro Romero
27 Åžub 20235 dakikada okunur
Hidden Outcomes Revealed: Europe Confirms Profitability of LATAM, All¹ ETFs in Europe, 31/10/2023
According to LP, none of the expected returns from the ETFs in Europe is significantly different from the others, it means that the differen
3 görüntüleme0 yorum
Alejandro Romero
3 Åžub 20235 dakikada okunur
Hidden Outcomes Revealed: LATAM Countries Skip Bear Market and Keep Profitable, 31/10/2022
All but Bootsim methodology showed that the SR has shifted upwards in contrast to what had happened in USA and Europe where the market...
4 görüntüleme0 yorum
Alejandro Romero
30 Oca 20231 dakikada okunur
All ETFs¹ in Europe: Above Zero Probabilities and Maximum Likelihood Returns 01/08/2022
Maximum likelihood return, probability return above zero, price difference distribution for all ETF in Europe.
2 görüntüleme0 yorum
Alejandro Romero
27 Oca 20235 dakikada okunur
Hidden Outcomes Revealed: Bear Market Confirmed Also in Europe, All¹ ETFs in Europe, 01/08/2022
LP and Bootlp recommend XSMC.SW in big proportion, this is the ETF that fully replicates the Solactive Swiss Large Cap index from Switzerlan
3 görüntüleme0 yorum
Alejandro Romero
14 Oca 20235 dakikada okunur
Hidden Outcomes Revealed: To Invest Across Sectors is not Enough, All¹ ETFs in Europe, 20/12/2021
According to LP, none of the expected returns from the ETFs in Europe is significantly different from the others, it means that the differen
3 görüntüleme0 yorum
Alejandro Romero
22 Ara 20221 dakikada okunur
TOP95 ETFs in USA: Above Zero Probabilities and Maximum Likelihood Returns 31/10/2022
Probability of positive return, maximum likelihood return, markov chain projections, accumulative and single probability univariate splines
2 görüntüleme0 yorum
Alejandro Romero
15 Ara 20225 dakikada okunur
Hidden Outcomes Revealed: Efficiency Shifts to Niche Markets, TOP95¹ ETFs in USA, 31/10/2022
The bear market brings niche or more specific markets as options to diversification and efficiency. There is an ongoing shift from broad sec
4 görüntüleme0 yorum
Alejandro Romero
11 Ara 20221 dakikada okunur
TOP10 ETFs in USA: Above Zero Probabilities and Maximum Likelihood Returns 31/10/2022
Find out what are the odds of earning/loosing money for the coming weeks on the TOP10 traded ETFs in USA.
1 görüntüleme0 yorum
Alejandro Romero
6 Ara 20221 dakikada okunur
Markov General Model (MGM) Decimals v3.3 to Calculate Advance Statistics for Multiple Securities
v3.3 features:
Row Index for historical values kept as dates instead of being changed to week count.
Tested on Python 3.11.
1 görüntüleme0 yorum
Alejandro Romero
27 Kas 20224 dakikada okunur
Hidden Outcomes Revealed: The Marke Turns Bear. Adv. Stats for the Top10 ETFs in USA, 31/10/2022
According to LP, the hypothesis sustaining that at least one of the expected returns from the Top10 traded ETFs in USA is significant...
3 görüntüleme0 yorum
Alejandro Romero
9 Kas 20221 dakikada okunur
Pattern Search to Decimals New version Output_v2.1.ipynb - Google Colab
New version 2.1 on Google Colab released. More concise and processing-time saving.
2 görüntüleme0 yorum
Alejandro Romero
8 Kas 20221 dakikada okunur
LATAM ETFs Traded in USA: Above Zero Probabilities and Maximum Likelihood Returns 01/08/2022
LATAM ETFs traded in USA offer zero diversification options. A groundbraking methodology helps investors and speculators to decide which one
1 görüntüleme0 yorum
Alejandro Romero
8 Kas 20221 dakikada okunur
TOP95 ETFs in USA: Above Zero Probabilities and Maximum Likelihood Returns 01/08/2022
Top 95 traded ETFs in USA. Probabilities of positive return, return with maximum likelihood, splines, interactive graphs with projections, a
1 görüntüleme0 yorum
Alejandro Romero
26 Eki 20221 dakikada okunur
TOP10 ETFs in USA: Above Zero Probabilities and Maximum Likelihood Returns 01/08/2022
Top10 ETFs USA comprehensive report with expected returns, their probabilties, return with maximum likelihood, probability of positive...
0 görüntüleme0 yorum
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